Hadenius, Axel - Jämför priser på böcker - Bokfynd


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5 these indices, along with V-Dem, in Table 1. Note that an index is understood as a highly aggregated, composite measure of democracy such as Polity2, while an indicator is 2002-7-16 · and effective (see Hadenius, 1992). The aim of this book is to discuss three overarching questions. First, which electoral systems are found in Southeast and East Asia? Second, do elections and electoral systems contribute to democratic development?

Hadenius 1992

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Hadenius, Stig: Svensk politik under 1900-talet. Konflikt och samförstand. Stockholm 2000. Hadenius, Stig: Swedish politics during the 20th  F2001 · P2001 · F2000 · P2000 · F1999 · P1999 · F1998 · P1998 · F1997 · P1997 · F1996 · P1996 · F1995 · P1995 · F1994 · P1994 · F1993 · P1993 · F1992  av SH ocH lennart Weibull · Citerat av 8 — 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Hadenius, Stig, Weibull, lennart och Wadbring, ingela (2008) Massmedier. Pingis Hadenius är co-founder på Löwengrip (även CEO), Flattered, Econoista, Nordic Tech House Pingis var medlem i UA mellan 1992- 2007. av M Mussalo · 1997 · Citerat av 1 — Svensken Patric Hadenius och holländaren Luc van Waes är exempel ka-högt -protokoll inte en tidssan bild av skrivprocessen (Hadenius 1992,145).

A review of Democracy's Victory and Crisis, edited by Axel Hadenius.

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; 24 cm. Hadenius, Axel 1992 Democracy and Development Cambridge Cambridge University Press Hadenius , Axel Teorell , Jan 2005 Cultural and Economic Prerequisites of Democracy: Reassessing Recent Evidence Studies in Comparative International Development 39 87 This component index measures whether the legislature and the chief executive are elected—the latter either directly through popular elections or indirectly through a popularly elected legislature appointing the executive.

Vinnare 2009 Stora Journalistpriset

Related questions are not particularly new in the empirical literature on political economic determinants of democracy, starting with early work by Hadenius (1992 )  Axel Hadenius (1992). Democracy and Development. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). Ross E. Burkhart and Michael S. Lewis-Beck (1994).

Hadenius 1992

In addition, income inequality, the urbanization rate, and ethnic heterogeneity have been argued to influence democracy. Statistically observable effects of these factors are rather weak, however (Barro 1999). On top of such gen- 2011-6-13 · forskare (Hadenius, 1992, s. 80). Kritiken har uppkommit då stater i olika tidsperioder har övergått från demokratisk styrelseform till militärdiktatur eller annan auktoritär styrelseform trots att de uppvisat en ekonomisk tillväxt.
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Hadenius 1992

Both the leadership and supporters of abolition, temperance, and the other early social reform movements were closely linked to missions.

Helmer växte upp i en  Publication year: 1992. Language: Swedish. Shelf mark: uK.2. Media class: Book.
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Hadenius, Axel - LIBRIS - sökning

världshistorisk uppslagsbok 1500-1992, Petersen, Kai, 1993 Sverige efter 1900 en modern politisk historia, Hadenius, Stig, 1993, , Talbok.